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CEC Webinar | Mental Health, Trauma, and Resilience in At-Risk Youth: Strategies for Educators
September 5, 2024

Join us on September 5 at 5:30 pm ET!

This webinar will focus on promoting the resilience and well-being of diverse learners in schools. Participants will learn how stress and trauma impact the learning capabilities of youth in school. Attendees will understand the concept of resilience in an education setting context and will be able to recognize the silent struggles of at-risk youth as threats to resilience. Educators will learn how resilience can be cultivated and unlock the potential of diverse learners. Research-based approaches and effective strategies for school personnel will be presented.

Participants will gain knowledge in:

  1.  stress and trauma and the impact on the learning environment
  2.  understanding the concept of resilience in the context of an educational setting
  3. recognizing threats to resilience for at-risk youth
  4. practical strategies for fostering resilience in education

*recording will be made available to registrants

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